Find Branch By IFSC

Central Bank Of India

Search Result For IFSC Code: CBIN0282227

Branch Name
 (used for RTGS, IMPS and NEFT transactions)
Swift Code
Address 1-155,-main-road,-p.o.-kambiliyampatti,-taluka---dindigul,-dist-dindigul,-tamilnadu-624306
City (Click for all the branches of " Central Bank Of India" in " KAMBILIYAMPATTI" District)
Zip 624306
Contact Number 022-22612008
Email [email protected]
Timings Monday - Friday (Weekdays): 10 AM - 4 PM, Saturday (Weekend): 10 AM - 4 PM (Except 2nd & 4th Saturday).

Where Can I Search IFSC Code?

Locating your bank’s branch IFSC code is simple. There many ways to ifsc code search. Below stated are the ways in which one can locate their IFSC code easily.

On checkbook or Passbook : Your checkbook has anonymous codes and details given. One can easily locate the IFSC code on top of your the cheque leaf or also on the front page of your passbook

RBI’s official website : You can also check for a bank’s IFSC code on the RBI’s official website.

Netbanking portal : IFSC code can be received from the respective bank’s net-banking portal or their mobile banking apps.

Third party websites : You can also approach the third party websites like the mybankdetail and ifsc code search for your bank branch. Visit our page and select the bank name, state, city and branch name. Your IFSC code will be displayed in no time.

What is the format of an IFSC code?

As mentioned earlier, the IFSC code is an 11 digit unique character. There is a fixed format that RBI abides by while allocating IFSC codes to a bank branch. The first four characters of the code denote the bank name. The fifth character is always a “ZERO” and it is common to all the IFSC codes as it is kept for future use. The rest of the six digits represent the branch code and this is the part that differentiates every branch of a bank. For example, the IFSC code of one of the SBI branch may look something like SBIN0008008, wherein “SBIN” depicts the bank code, “0” is the common “Zero” code, and “008008” is the branch code.

How important is the IFSC code?

IFSC code holds vital importance in the Indian financial system. It helps in the unique identification of a bank branch. As said earlier, IFSC codes make electronic wire transfers easy and safe. And this code is mandatory for fund transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. More details on that later. This unique code is also used for credit card payments as well. With IFSC code, you stay rest assured as it ensures no theft or fraud during your transactions. Another importance or more specifically, a perk of IFSC code is that it promotes paperless fund transfers that are quick and environment-friendly.

Is IFSC code and MICR code the same?

IFSC code is different from the MICR code. MICR code is the acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. This technology is used by banks to verify their cheques during clearance. MICR code authenticates the legality and credibility of the cheques or other paper-based documents issued by the bank. IFSC code is used for the facilitation of electronic fund transfer, whereas the MICR code is used to facilitate fast and simple cheque processing. When it comes to the security of transactions, both IFSC code and MICR code are equally efficient and trustworthy.

MICR is a 9 digit code whereas IFSC is an 11-digit code. You can find both these codes on a cheque leaf. MICR codes can be seen at the footer beside the cheque number whereas IFSC code can be seen at the top of the cheque. Both IFSC code and MICR code hold equal importance in their respective usage in a transaction.

How is the IFSC code used in online fund transfer?

Once you get yourself registered for your bank’s net-banking services, you can easily transfer funds using the IFSC code of your branch. To transfer the money to the recipient’s account, you will have to register it as beneficiary. To register, you will require their account number and IFSC code. Once you have registered the payee as beneficiary, all you need to do is to enter the fund amount and initiate the transfer. It’s that simple. IFSC code is also used in the mutual fund purchase process as it can help RBI track the fund transfer effortlessly.

What is the use of IFSC in NEFT transfer?

As stated earlier, IFSC is used in electronic fund transfers. NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer is one of the commonly used methods for fund transfers from bank to another. This nation-wide system is also known as e-cheques as the money is not transferred instantly or on a real-time basis. The funds are processed in the bank and settled in batches just as it is done for the cheques but electronically. There is no cap limit for the NEFT fund transfers. But certain have put limits. There will be a minimal amount of fee transacted for each NEFT transfer that ranges from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 25 plus service tax. This fee depends upon the fund transfer amount. Another important fact about NEFT is that one can conduct the fund transfer only on working days and within the working hours of the bank.

To initiate a fund transfer, you will have to confirm if the bank is NEFT-enabled or not. Next, you must register with the bank for the net banking services and add the beneficiary details such as name, account number and IFSC code. After adding the beneficiary details you may be required to wait for a while. The waiting time varies with each bank. Once the beneficiary is successfully added, you can go to the “Transfer Funds” option and transfer the money using the OTP sent to you on your registered mobile number.

What is the use of IFSC in RTGS transfer?

RTGS is the acronym for Real Time Gross Settlement. It is the fastest and real-time interbank money transfer in India. It can be defined as the real-time settlement of funds transfers individually on an order by order basis. RTGS is generally used for high-value funds transfers. Being a real-time fund transfer, there are no cap limits but the minimum transaction limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. The money transfer occurs within 30 minutes to 1 hour. On weekdays RTGS transaction occurs between 8 am to 6.30 pm and on Saturdays between 8 am to 1 pm. Depending upon the transaction amount, a transactional fee is deducted for each RTGS payment that varies from Rs. 2.5 to Rs 20 plus GST.

The fund initiation procedure is similar to that of NEFT. One will be required to register the recipient’s account as the beneficiary and for that details such as name, bank name, branch name and IFSC code will be required. Post successful addition of beneficiary, one can easily transfer the funds.

What is the use of IFSC in IMPS transfer?

IMPS is the acronym for the Immediate Payment System. This payment system facilitates instant fund transfer without any delay. Through IMPS, one can transfer funds around the clock and throughout the year. Since the fund transfer happens instantly, there are strict security norms abided to this platform which involves a two-step verification process. The transaction fee for each IMPS transaction depends upon the fund transfer amount and can go up to Rs. 15. Unlike NEFT or RTGS, IMPS does not require any beneficiary registration is using the mobile banking system. One can transfer the fund instantly using their mobile phone, ATM or through net-banking. Again here, IFSC code is required for any IMPS transaction.