How Can I Find the IFSC Code of a Particular Bank Branch for Online Transactions?

This is often a question from a good many people about how to find the IFSC code. So, there are a good many ways to find an IFSC code. You can pick any of the below-mentioned methods to confirm your IFSC code.

  1. 1. IFSC Code Finder:

    The easiest and most convenient method to Find the IFSC Code For All Indian Banks is to use the bank IFSC code finder. You just have to provide your preferred bank branch details such as bank name, state, city, and branch. You will get all the details you are looking for under the same roof.

  2. 2. Bank’s Official Website:

    You can also visit your Bank’s official website and look for options similar to ‘Branch Locator’, or ‘Find Branch’. Then, enter the details you asked for to get the IFSC code.

  3. 3. PassBook :

    IFSC code is always printed on the first page of the passbook. You can easily get it from there. IFSC code search is no longer a complex task.

  4. 4. Cheque Book/Leaf:

    You can find IFSC printed on the cheque leaf, generally on the top along with the other bank details.

How to Send Money Within India Using an IFSC Code?

Look no further if you want all bank IFSC codes. Here is your step-by-step guide to search IFSC Code.

Step 1 - Start with a login into your banking account.

Step 2 - Locate similar options such as ‘Fund transfer’ and ‘Make payment’.

Step 3 - Choose the type of transfer you want to make from NEFT, RTGS or IMPS.

(RTGS: choose RTGS for an immediate fund transfer for higher amounts.

NEFT: choose NEFT for non-time-sensitive transactions on a batch basis.

IMPS: choose IMPS for immediate fund transfer, 24/7 including weekends and holidays.)

Step 4 - Add a new payee if you are paying your recipient for the first time. You need to provide the recipient’s name, account number, and the IFSC code of their branch bank. Verify the details you have entered, especially the IFSC Code.

Step 5 - Enter the amount you want to pay to your recipients.

Step 6 - You will require additional authentication through OTP for your safety.

Step 7 - Once you complete your transaction, you will receive confirmation of your transaction.

Difference Between Bank and Credit Card IFSC Code.

Difference Between Bank and Credit Card IFSC Code.

Basis Bank IFSC Code Credit Card IFSC Code
Purpose Bank IFSC Code is used for e-fund transfers via NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS Credit card IFSC code is used to pay bills through NEFT
Format It is a combination of 11 alpha-numeric characters. It is similar to the bank IFSC code, a combination of letters and numbers.
Identification It recognizes the specific bank branch involved in the e-payments It specifies the bank branch which has issued the credit card.
Usage Compulsory for NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS transactions It is only used to pay credit card bills but cannot be used for general fund transfers
Types Each branch has a unique IFSC code One bank can only have one credit card IFSC code.
Examples SBIN0001234 ICIC0000103

What Does an IFSC Code Represent?

Each IFSC Code puts forth a set of information regarding specific bank branches involved in e-fund transfers. Such as,

1. Bank Name: the first four characters showcase the name of the bank.

2. Zero Placeholder: the fifth place is always reserved for the “zero”.

3. Branch Code: the last six characters always show up as a code that uniquely identifies a specific bank branch in India.

IFSC Codes of Top Banks in India.

IFSC Codes of Top Banks in India.

Bank Branch IFSC Code
SBI Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharastra SBIN0000547
HDFC Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat HDFC0000300
ICICI SubhashNagar, Delhi ICIC0003361
PNB Amritsar, Punjab PUNB0066020
Axis Bank Chennai, Tamilnadu UTIB0000006
Canara Bank Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh CNRB0000848
Bank of Baroda Bedla, Rajkot, Gujarat BARB0DBBEDL
Union Bank of India Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir UBIN0535745
IDBI Bank Mission Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, IBKL0000008
Kotak Mahindra Bank Jaipur, Rajasthan KKBK0003541


Is the IFSC Code the Same for All Branches in India of the Same Bank?

No, different bank branches have different IFSC codes assigned by the father bank, RBI.

Is It Safe to Give the Bank the IFSC Code?

Yes, it is usually safe to provide your bank’s IFSC code. It just facilitates the e-fund transfer and does not pose a security risk on its own. However, never turn a blind eye to caution when sharing any banking details with anyone.

Can the IFSC Code Change in Any Circumstance?

Yes, it may change under certain circumstances such as bank mergers, bank acquisitions, branch closures, or administrative updates. In any case, the bank always informs their customers. So, stay calm.

Does the IFSC Code Change After the Account Transfer?

Yes, in a case when your account is shifted to another branch, the IFSC code will be according to the new branch. This is a sensitive matter so banks always inform their customers about any update.

What Will Happen if the Account Number is Correct but the IFSC Code is Wrong?

In this case, the funds may get directed to the wrong account, or the transaction may get rejected, or the recipient’s bank try to change the IFSC code manually. Therefore, never forget to verify the IFSC code while transferring funds to another account. You can use the Validate IFSC Code tool.

Is the IFSC Code Printed on a Passbook?

Yes, it is always printed on the first page of the passbook along with the other details of the bank associated with the customer.