020256 is the NCC code of the Branch Remuera of the Bank of New Zealand. You will find this printed on the chequebook or the official website of the Bank of New Zealand bank. However, the quickest way to fetch is to use the NCC Code Validate tool. Enter the 020256 NCC Code in the input field and get all the details of the 020256 NCC Code.
What is a 020256 NCC Code and Where is It Found?
What is the Use of the 020256 Bank NCC Code?
When you want to receive the funds from the other country to the account opened at the Remuera branch of the Bank of New Zealand, you will have to give the NCC code 020256 to the payer. If a branch of the Bank of New Zealand does not use IBAN for international fund transfers which is why the 020256 NCC Code is mandatory.
How to Find a 020256 NCC Code?
You can find a 020256 NCC Code easily. Just visit the NCC Code validate tool and enter the NCC Code 020256 in the text input field. You will receive all the details associated with this 020256 NCC Code including the bank and branch name, city, and postal code.
Where is a 020256 NCC Code on a Check?
You will find the 020256 NCC Code printed at the bottom of the cheque leaf followed by the account number in the chequebook provided by the Remuera Branch of the Bank of New Zealand.
How to Find a 020256 NCC Code Without a Check?
You can find a 020256 NCC Code without a cheque on the bank statement, the 020256 NCC Code bank’s official website and the MyBankDetail Website. Simply visit the NCC Code Validate tool and fetch detailed information related to 020256 NCC Code.
What is the Full Address for NCC Code 020256?
The Full Address of NCC Code 020256 is Remuera, REMUERA,338 REMUERA ROAD(0256), Auckland, New Zealand.
What is the Name of the Bank of NCC Code 020256?
NCC Code 020256 belongs to the Bank of New Zealand.
What is the Contact Number for NCC Code 020256?
+64 520-9600 is the Contact number for NCC code 020256. We advise you to visit the Bank of New Zealand bank in person or contact us through the official website if you have any queries regarding NCC code 020256.
What is the Zipcode of 020256 NCC Code?
is the Zipcode of 020256 ncc code.
For Which State and City NCC Code 020256 is Used?
020256 is the code of the Bank of New Zealand located at the Remuera branch in Auckland, New Zealand.