How Do I Send Money With SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN?

BSTUTNTTAIN is a SWIFT (the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) Code of ATTIJARI BANK located in Tunis, Tunisia. If you want to transfer funds from Tunis to abroad. You will need this SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN.

If you want to send money with SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN, go for an international wire transfer. You can do it by internet banking, authentic online platforms or by visiting the ATTIJARI BANK. Provide recipient details including the Recipient’s name, the name of the bank & branch, the purpose of transfer, the recipient’s SWIFT Code, and the amount you want to transfer. Also, provide your SWIFT Code: BSTUTNTTAIN. Completed the required forms and confirmed fees. Now, initiate the transfer through your bank ATTIJARI BANK. Lastly, track the transfer using the provided reference number and wait for the confirmation.

Breakdown of SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN.

The breakdown of the SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN is as follows,

BSTU - The first four letters represent the unique code for ATTIJARI BANK.

TN - TN is the next two letters that represent the Country code, In this case, it’s Tunisia.

IN - IN is the last two letters are the branch Code.

Who Does the SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN Belong to?

BSTUTNTTAIN SWIFT Code Belongs to ATTIJARI BANK located in Tunis, Tunisia.

Is BSTUTNTTAIN a Head Office or a Branch?

The SWIFT code BSTUTNTTAIN is a unique identifier for (Head Office) ATTIJARI BANK in Tunis, Tunisia.

Is BSTUTNTTAIN Valid and Active?

Yes, BSTUTNTTAIN is currently valid and active for ATTIJARI BANK. Also, you can verify the BSTUTNTTAIN SWIFT Code using the SWIFT Code Checker tool.

What is the Bank Name for SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN?

‘ATTIJARI BANK’ is the bank name of SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN.

What is the Full Address of SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN?

The full address of SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN is “AVENUE DE LA LIBERTE, 95, Tunis, Tunisia - 1002”.

What is the Contact Number for SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN?

For SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN, you can visit the official website of ATTIJARI BANK and contact the bank in case you have any queries regarding banking issues.

For Which Country is SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN Used?

BSTUTNTTAIN is used for the country ‘Tunisia’. It can be seen that the fifth and Sixth letter ‘TN’ together represents the country name i.e., Tunisia.


Can I Find SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN Upon Checking?

No, SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN is not printed on the Cheques. It is commonly found in bank statements or on any online platform such as MyBankDetail. If you need the BSTUTNTTAIN SWIFT Code, we recommend that you use our SWIFT Code Finder tool for accuracy.

Can I Find SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN Without a Check?

Yes, you can find SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN on MyBankDetail. Scroll through the list of banks and click on ATTIJARI BANK and it will provide you with the details with the SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN. You can also find BSTUTNTTAIN SWIFT Code information on the official website of the bank or the online banking portals.

Can I Find SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN Offline?

Yes, if you are an account holder at ATTIJARI BANK, you will find the SWIFT code BSTUTNTTAIN in your bank statement, or you can simply visit this ATTIJARI BANK bank to verify this SWIFT Code BSTUTNTTAIN.