301573 is a unique six-digit sort code of the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc branch located at Southampton in City Belfast. You can find the 301573 sort code on the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc bank statement, the bank’s website, through the sort code checker, or printed on the bottom of the cheque.
What is an 301573 Sort Code and Where is It Found?
Who Does the Sort Code 301573 Belong to?
Sort Code 301573 belongs to the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc located at Southampton, Po Box 2124, Belfast, BT1, 9RS, Belfast.
Is Sort Code 301573 Valid and Active?
Yes, Sort Code 301573 is valid and active and belongs to the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc.
Is Sort Code 301573 a Head Office or a Branch?
Sort Code 301573 is a branch code of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc, Southampton, Belfast.
What is the Full Address for Sort Code 301573?
The Full Address for Sort Code 301573: The Bank of Ireland (UK) plc, Po Box 2124, Belfast, BT1, 9RS, Southampton, Belfast, Scotland, Great Britain.
What is the Name of the Bank of Sort Code 301573?
The name of the Bank of Sort Code 301573 is the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc.
What is the Contact Number for Sort Code 301573?
The contact number for Sort Code 301573 is 0345 850123, we advise you to verify this number through the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc bank’s website.
For Which State and City Sort Code 301573 is Used?
Sort code 301573 is used for the Bank of Ireland (UK) plc branch located in Belfast, the capital city of Scotland.