What is an ADCC0000065 IFSC Code and Where is It Found?

ADCC0000065 is the IFSC Code for the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank Branch located in MURTIZAPUR, you can find this in the ‘IFSC Code validate’ on our website. You can get every detail regarding this ADCC0000065 IFSC Code.

What is the Use of ADCC0000065 Bank IFSC Code?

You must use IFSC Code ‘ADCC0000065’ when you want to transfer money to someone via RTGS, NEFT, or IMPS whose account is in the ‘MURTIJAPUR MARKET YARD BRANCH’ branch of the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank in MURTIZAPUR.

Where is a ADCC0000065 IFSC Code on a Check?

The ‘ADCC0000065’ is usually printed on the bottom of a physical check on the right-hand side, below the account number.

How to Find an ADCC0000065 IFSC Code Without a Check?

Yes, you can find the ADCC0000065 IFSC Code without a check on the ‘’ on our website, or on the first page of the passbook.

What is the Full Address for IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

ADCC0000065 is the IFSC Code of the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank Branch located in MURTIZAPUR in the akola district central coop. bank ltd.,branch murtizapur m.y., at.po.tq. murtizapur, dist.akola. 444107.

What is the Name of the Bank of IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

ADCC0000065 is the IFSC Code of the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank Branch in MURTIZAPUR.

For Which State, City, and Branch IFSC Code ADCC0000065 is Used?

ADCC0000065 is the IFSC Code for The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank branch in MURTIZAPUR, MAHARASHTRA. This branch is located at MURTIJAPUR MARKET YARD BRANCH in MURTIZAPUR.

What is the Zipcode of ADCC0000065 IFSC Code?

The Zip Code of ADCC0000065 IFSC Code is 444107.

What is the Contact Number for IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

The contact number for IFSC Code ADCC0000065 for the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank branch in MURTIZAPUR is 2415105.

What is the Toll-free Contact Number for IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

The toll-free contact number for IFSC Code ADCC0000065 is 0724-2415785.

What is the SWIFT Code of IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

The of IFSC Code ADCC0000065 is NA and the branch code is 000065.

What is the Email Address of IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

[email protected] is the official Email Address of IFSC Code ADCC0000065.

What is the Official Website of IFSC Code ADCC0000065?

http://akoladcc.com/ is the official website of IFSC Code ADCC0000065.


Does ADCC0000065 IFSC Code Change?

Actually, ADCC0000065 has stayed the same. The IFSC Code changes in very rare cases such as mergers or acquisitions.

Who Does the IFSC Code ADCC0000065 Belong to?

The IFSC Code ADCC0000065 belongs to the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank Branch located at MURTIJAPUR MARKET YARD BRANCH in MURTIZAPUR in MAHARASHTRA-444107.

Is IFSC Code ADCC0000065 Valid and Active?

Yes, IFSC Code ADCC0000065 is valid and active. This is the code for the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank Branch in MURTIZAPUR, MAHARASHTRA.

Is IFSC Code ADCC0000065 a Head Office or Branch?

The IFSC Code ADCC0000065 is a code for the The Akola District Central Co-Op. Bank branch in MURTIZAPUR not of the head office.

Can I Find IFSC Code ADCC0000065 on a Check?

Yes, you can ADCC0000065 printed on the right-hand side at the bottom of the check.