Bank of New Zealand NCC Code List

Bank of New Zealand NCC Code List

No. NCC Code Branch City Phone Number Address
121 020591 Waikanae Waikanae 293-0800 44 Main Road
122 020600 Blenheim Blenheim 578-4289 92 Market Street
123 020608 Carterton Carterton 379-6250 10 High Street South
124 020612 Dannevirke Dannevirke 374-5604 17B High Street
125 020620 Eltham Eltham C/- Stratford (02-0576)
126 020628 Feilding Feilding 323-0759 29 Manchester Square
127 020630 Fitzherbert Avenue Palmerston+North C/- Palm Nth (02-0727)
128 020632 Foxton Levin 368-0850 213-215 Oxford Street
129 020636 Gisborne Gisborne 868-2064 72 Gladstone Road, Gladstone
130 020644 Hastings Hastings 878-0800 117 Heretaunga Street West
131 020648 Hawera Store Hawera 278-1700 145 High Street
132 020655 Havelock North Havelock+North 877-3550 2 Te Mata Road
133 020659 International Transfers Centre Auckland 375-1300 80 Queen Street
134 020668 Levin Levin 368-0850 215 Oxford Street
135 020673 Wanaka Wanaka 443-9855 93 Ardmore Street
136 020680 Martinborough Martinborough 379-6250 10 High Street South, Carterton
137 020684 BNZ Feilding Feilding 323-0755 BNZ Feilding Store, 29 Manchester Square, Feilding
138 020686 Lower Emerson Street Napier C/- Napier ( 02-0700)
139 020688 Masterton Masterton 377-2810 193 Queen Street
140 020692 Motueka Motueka 528-0850 141 High Street
141 020700 Napier Napier 834-1530 126 Hastings Street
142 020704 Nelson Nelson 546-3799 226 Trafalgar Street
143 020708 New Plymouth New+Plymouth 759-4720 13 Devon Street East
144 020712 Whanganui Whanganui 348-1600 124 Victoria Avenue
145 020719 Terrace End Palmerston+North 350-3300 272 Broadway Avenue
146 020724 Dannevirke Dannevirke 374-5604 17B High Street, Dannevirke
147 020727 Palmerston North Palmerston+North 350-1550 84 The Square, The Plaza, Tenancy 54
148 020733 Paraparaumu Paraparaumu 298-0030 Coastlands Parade
149 020740 Blenheim Blenheim 577-2709 92 Market Street, Blenheim
150 020747 Richmond Richmond 544-3300 220 Queen Street
151 020756 Hawera Hawera 278-1700 145 High Street
152 020760 Taihape Taihape 348-1600 C/O Whanganui
153 020764 Richmond Richmond 544-3300 220 Queen Street
154 020766 Taradale Taradale 844-0850 284 Gloucester Street
155 020772 Upper Hutt Upper+Hutt 528-1550 102 Main Street
156 020780 Waipukurau Waipukurau 858-6750 63 Ruataniwha Street
157 020784 Gisborne Gisborne 868-2064 72 Gladstone Road, Gladstone
158 020792 Wanganui Wanganui 348-1600 124 Victoria Avenue
159 020800 Cashel & Fitzgerald Christchurch 353-2000 114 Fitzgerald Avenue, Linwood
160 020808 Christchurch International Services Christchurch 353-2506 81 Riccarton Rd

How Can I Find the NCC Code for a Bank of New Zealand Branch?

You can find your NCC Code for a Bank of New Zealand Branch on the NCC Code Finder tool online, it is free to use and accessible anywhere at any time. This will not only save you time but also quickly fetch the accurate NCC Code for the Bank of New Zealand Branch.

Where Can I Use My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code?

When you want to receive a payment from overseas in your Bank of New Zealand account that does not use IBAN, you will need to provide the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code to the payer.

How Do I Change My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code if I Move to a Different Country?

Changing the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code is not a usual thing. You may open a new account in the country you are moving to but you cannot change your Bank of New Zealand NCC Code.

Where is the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Located on a Cheque?

The Bank of New Zealand NCC Code is located at the bottom of the cheque. This is a 6-digit code is Bank of New Zealand NCC Code followed by the 10 digits of the account number in New Zealand.

Can a Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Be Changed for Security Reasons?

Yes, the Bank of New Zealand NCC code can be changed for security reasons. This may also change due to acquisition, merger or new regulations.

Do Bank of New Zealand NCC Codes Change From Branch to Branch?

Yes, the NCC Codes of the Bank of New Zealand change from branch to branch. All the branches of the Bank of New Zealand bank are assigned unique Bank of New Zealand NCC codes.


Is My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Private?

No, the Bank of New Zealand NCC code is not private but the same for individuals having an account at a particular branch of a Bank of New Zealand bank.

Does the Bank of New Zealand Have Different NCC Codes?

Yes, each branch of the Bank of New Zealand has assigned different NCC Codes.

Does My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Stay With Me Forever?

Until and Unless you have an account at the Bank of New Zealand, or the Bank changes its NCC code due to regulations, mergers or acquisitions, you will have your Bank of New Zealand NCC code forever with you.

What Happens if I Enter the Wrong Bank of New Zealand NCC Code?

If you enter the wrong Bank of New Zealand NCC code, the bank will reject your transaction or you will see an alert for entering the wrong bank details. We advise you to verify the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code in the NCC Code Validate tool for quick and error-free transactions.

Is the NCC Code and Account Number the Same for the Bank of New Zealand?

No, the NCC Code and Account number are not the same for the Bank of New Zealand. The account number of the Bank of New Zealand consists of 16 digits, the first 6 digits in the number are the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code (National Clearing Code) which is followed by 10 digits of the Account number.