Bank of New Zealand NCC Code List

Bank of New Zealand NCC Code List

No. NCC Code Branch City Phone Number Address
161 020810 Hornby Christchurch 349-1450 418 Main South Road, Shop 127, The Hub, Hornby
162 020816 Papanui Christchurch 354-0700 55 Main North Road, Northlands Mall, Shop 32&33, Papanui
163 020820 Riccarton Christchurch 343-5738 129 Riccarton Road, Shopping Centre, Shop S140 Westfield Riccarton, Riccarton
164 020828 Sydenham Christchurch 364-5070 418 Colombo Street, Sydenham
165 020832 Leeston Leeston 324-3855 67 High Streen
166 020836 Ashburton Ashburton 308-0620 304 East Street
167 020840 Geraldine Geraldine 693-8748 18 Talbot Street
168 020842 BNZ Ferrymead Christchurch 379-6250 2 Waterman Place, Unit 9, Ferrymead
169 020844 Greymouth Greymouth 768-3700 91 Mackay Street
170 020852 Kaiapoi Kaiapoi 327-5948 107 Williams Street
171 020856 Kaikoura Kaikoura 319-7750 42 West End
172 020858 BNZ International Services Christchurch Christchurch 353-2000 81 Riccarton Rd
173 020860 Leeston Leeston 324-3855 67 High Street
174 020863 New Brighton Christchurch 382-2580 99 Seaview Road, New Brighton
175 020864 Ferrymead Store Christchurch 364 7100 2 Waterman Place, Unit 9, c/o BNZ Ferrymead, Ferrymead Central
176 020865 Armagh Street Christchurch 364-6400 137 Armagh Street
177 020868 Ashburton Ashburton 308-0620 304 East Street
178 020871 City South Christchurch C/- Sydenham (02-0828)
179 020874 Upper Riccarton Christchurch 343-1854 Bush Inn Mall, Upper Riccarton
180 020875 University of Canterbury Christchurch 343-1850 1b Waimairi Road, Upper Riccarton
181 020876 Rangiora Rangiora 313-9850 74 High St
182 020880 Greymouth Greymouth 768-3700 91 Mackay Street
183 020884 Temuka Timaru 684 1600 247 Stafford Street
184 020888 Timaru Timaru 684-1611 247 Stafford Street
185 020892 Timaru Timaru 684-1611 247 Stafford Street
186 020896 Greymouth Greymouth 768-3700 91 Mackay Street
187 020900 Dunedin Dunedin C/- Dunedin (02-0912)
188 020908 Dunedin North Dunedin+North C/- Dunedin (02-0912)
189 020910 South Dunedin Dunedin 456-2850 159 King Edward Street, South Dunedin
190 020912 Dunedin Dunedin 474-7350 98 George Street, Moray Place
191 020916 Alexandra Alexandra 448-9850 45 Tarbert Street
192 020918 Gore Gore 208-8820 38 Main Street
193 020920 Cromwell Cromwell 448-9850 C/O Alexandra
194 020922 Gore Gore 208-8820 38 Main St
195 020924 Invercargill Invercargill 214-6701 84 Esk Street
196 020929 University Of Otago Dunedin 467-7300 98 George Street, Dunedin Central
197 020935 Milton Balclutha 418-4750 c/- Balclutha
198 020938 Mosgiel Mosgiel 489-9350 132 Gordon Road
199 020940 Oamaru Oamaru 434-0700 80 Thames Street
200 020948 Queenstown Queenstown 442-5810 11 Rees Street

How Can I Find the NCC Code for a Bank of New Zealand Branch?

You can find your NCC Code for a Bank of New Zealand Branch on the NCC Code Finder tool online, it is free to use and accessible anywhere at any time. This will not only save you time but also quickly fetch the accurate NCC Code for the Bank of New Zealand Branch.

Where Can I Use My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code?

When you want to receive a payment from overseas in your Bank of New Zealand account that does not use IBAN, you will need to provide the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code to the payer.

How Do I Change My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code if I Move to a Different Country?

Changing the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code is not a usual thing. You may open a new account in the country you are moving to but you cannot change your Bank of New Zealand NCC Code.

Where is the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Located on a Cheque?

The Bank of New Zealand NCC Code is located at the bottom of the cheque. This is a 6-digit code is Bank of New Zealand NCC Code followed by the 10 digits of the account number in New Zealand.

Can a Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Be Changed for Security Reasons?

Yes, the Bank of New Zealand NCC code can be changed for security reasons. This may also change due to acquisition, merger or new regulations.

Do Bank of New Zealand NCC Codes Change From Branch to Branch?

Yes, the NCC Codes of the Bank of New Zealand change from branch to branch. All the branches of the Bank of New Zealand bank are assigned unique Bank of New Zealand NCC codes.


Is My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Private?

No, the Bank of New Zealand NCC code is not private but the same for individuals having an account at a particular branch of a Bank of New Zealand bank.

Does the Bank of New Zealand Have Different NCC Codes?

Yes, each branch of the Bank of New Zealand has assigned different NCC Codes.

Does My Bank of New Zealand NCC Code Stay With Me Forever?

Until and Unless you have an account at the Bank of New Zealand, or the Bank changes its NCC code due to regulations, mergers or acquisitions, you will have your Bank of New Zealand NCC code forever with you.

What Happens if I Enter the Wrong Bank of New Zealand NCC Code?

If you enter the wrong Bank of New Zealand NCC code, the bank will reject your transaction or you will see an alert for entering the wrong bank details. We advise you to verify the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code in the NCC Code Validate tool for quick and error-free transactions.

Is the NCC Code and Account Number the Same for the Bank of New Zealand?

No, the NCC Code and Account number are not the same for the Bank of New Zealand. The account number of the Bank of New Zealand consists of 16 digits, the first 6 digits in the number are the Bank of New Zealand NCC Code (National Clearing Code) which is followed by 10 digits of the Account number.